Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The beginning or the third year!

This month marks the beginning of my THIRD year at CPUT.
I find it hard to believe that we have survived two years together.
What troubles me, though is that, although I arrived here with stars in my eyes and high hopes for the future, after two years I get the idea that nothing has changed. That, instead of changing the Faculty, the Faculty has changed me.
Furthermore, I need to know if I am on the right track. I started here saying that my main job is to ensure that the Faculty staff achieve their objectives.
So, I need to meet with you and your department as soon as possible during a regular departmental meeting.
I need you to put three things on the agenda.
a. What has changed in the last two years? (What are we doing differently, what are we experiencing differently - for better and for worse).
b. What are your plans (each individual, or the department - I leave that to you) for the next three years?
c. What must the Dean do next?

I look forward to an open and frank, yet positive discussion.

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